Judit holds a BA degree in Public Administration from the Corvinus University of Budapest, a Master of Laws, and and an LLM in Children's Rights from the Eotvos Lorand University of Budapest. She studied international law at the Law Faculty of University of Leuven, Belgium and worked as a trainee lawyer at the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg, France. Judit was a fellow of the Women’s Human Rights Training Institute’s programme for women’s rights lawyers (2013-2015) and a recipient of various research scholarships, including on children’s rights from the Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and the French Government. As a qualified lawyer, Judit is admitted to the Budapest Bar Association in Hungary. Judit is an experienced senior lawyer who has been leading litigation at national and international courts and legal advocacy challenging discriminatory practices against Roma in Europe. Judit plays a key role in litigating intersecting forms of discrimination in Europe focusing her work in particular on advancing equality and justice for Romani women and children. She has been working with the ERRC since November 2007.
Judit Geller