Housing Rights Manual for Roma Rights Activists in Slovakia

12 August 2004

Housing Rights Manual for Roma Rights Activists in Slovakia

The ERRC, in cooperation with project partner Centre on Housing Rights and Evictions (COHRE) and the Milan Simecka Foundation (MSF) have developed a resource manual as a guide for Romani housing rights activists and for those interested in becoming involved in housing rights issues, and/or for use as a resource during training programmes. The manual was prepared as part of a project implemented with support from the Foreign and Commonwealth Office of the British Government.

The manual provides information, articles and activities, which will transfer to the user, within the specific context of housing issues faced by Roma in Slovakia:

  • An understanding of the various components of the right to adequate housing and economic and social rights generally;
  • Knowledge of relevant international and domestic legal standards pertaining to the protection and promotion of the right to adequate housing;
  • An understanding of the inter-relatedness between housing rights violations and other human rights violations, particularly violations of economic, social and cultural rights;
  • Expertise in various thematic areas related to housing rights, including women’s housing rights, forced eviction, and housing and property restitution;
  • A practical guide to the different activities that housing rights activists and others can employ to ensure access to adequate for housing for Roma, including:
  • Monitoring;
  • Documentation;
  • Domestic and International Advocacy; and
  • Legal Action.

The manual includes, in the appendix, translations of the relevant international and European legal standards and documents pertaining to the right to housing, which will serve as a useful resource in the housing rights activities in which you engage in the future.

The Manual is available in English here: View it (MSWord doc format)!
The Manual is available in Slovak here: View it (Acrobat pdf format)!

The manual incorporates curriculum developed by the Canadian Human Rights Foundation, whose contribution is gratefully acknowledged. 


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