
509 search results for keyword: "macedonia"

Press Releases: ERRC Press Releases 2023

29 April 2024

European Court Cases: Elmazova and Others v North Macedonia (2022)

15 June 2023

Press Releases: ERRC Press Releases 2022

14 February 2023

Press Releases: European Roma Rights Network Launched

08 April 2022

Press Releases: ERRC Press Releases 2021

22 March 2022

Press Releases: Archived Press Releases

01 January 2022

Press Releases: ERRC Press Releases 2020

09 February 2021

Jobs: Call for National Researchers

27 November 2020

Jobs: Call for a Lead Researcher

09 November 2020

Reports & Submissions: Roma Rights in the Time of Covid

09 September 2020

News: Teaching Judges their ABCs

07 January 2020

European Court Cases: European Court Cases

06 January 2020

Press Releases: ERRC Press Releases 2018

04 January 2019

European Court Cases: Memedov v North Macedonia (pending)

02 August 2018

Press Releases: ERRC Press Releases 2017

12 April 2018

European Court Cases: A.P. v Slovakia (third-party intervention, 2020)

05 March 2018

Operations: Merziha Idrizi, Network Officer

17 February 2018

Advocacy & Communications: Dzavit Berisha, Publications Officer

04 February 2018

Overview: Overview

25 January 2018

European Court Cases: X and Y v North Macedonia (pending)

04 January 2018

Old articles: European Court of Human Rights

04 January 2018

Press Releases: ERRC Press Releases 2016

03 May 2017

European Court Cases: Bekir and others v North Macedonia (pending)

08 November 2016

Press Releases: ERRC Press Releases 2015

10 June 2016

Old articles: Domestic Cases: Serbia

07 March 2016

Reports & Submissions: ERRC submission to UN CESCR on Macedonia (August 2015)

12 August 2015

Old articles: Domestic Cases: Macedonia

10 August 2015

Reports & Submissions: ERRC submission to UN CERD on Macedonia (July 2015)

10 July 2015

Press Releases: ERRC Press Releases 2014

25 June 2015

Reports & Submissions: ERRC submission to UN HRC on Macedonia (June 2015)

08 June 2015

Reports & Submissions: ERRC submission to UN CAT on Macedonia (April 2015)

10 April 2015

News: My passport and who I am

03 November 2014

Reports & Submissions: ERRC submission to UN HRC on Macedonia (July 2014)

25 July 2014

Projects & Campaigns: The UN Voluntary Fund for Victims of Torture

14 July 2014

Press Releases: ERRC Press Releases 2013

14 April 2014

Press Releases: New Country Profiles on Roma from ERRC

17 July 2013

Reports & Submissions: Macedonia: Country Profile 2011-2012

17 July 2013

Reports & Submissions: Country Profiles 2011-2012

16 July 2013

Reports & Submissions: ERRC submission to UN HRC on Macedonia (June 2013)

25 June 2013

Reports & Submissions: ERRC submission to UN CEDAW on Macedonia (January 2013)

30 January 2013

Press Releases: Romani Woman Injured in Macedonian Protest

25 January 2013

Press Releases: ERRC Press Releases 2012

10 January 2013

Network: Civil society organisations

27 March 2012

Press Releases: Factsheet: Roma Rights in Jeopardy

16 February 2012

Projects & Campaigns: UN Voluntary Fund for Victims of Torture

01 January 2012

Projects & Campaigns: Advancing Roma Visibility

06 July 2011

Old articles: Violence against Roma

05 May 2011

Press Releases: ERRC Presents Findings of Roma Housing Research

13 December 2010

Old articles: Basic Facts on Roma - Macedonia

28 August 2010

Roma Rights Journal: Roma Rights 1, 2010: Implementation of Judgments

26 July 2010

Old articles: News & Events

13 July 2010

Roma Rights Journal: Meet the Staff of the ERRC

29 June 2010

Old articles: ERRC Upcoming Events

17 June 2010

European Court Cases: Jasar v North Macedonia

30 April 2010

Romani: Other - Romani

10 April 2010

Training Materials: Training Materials

05 April 2010

Old articles: Domestic Cases

12 March 2010

Projects & Campaigns: Empowerment of Roma to Fight Rights Deprivation

23 March 2009

Reports & Submissions: ERRC submission to UN CAT on Macedonia (May 2008)

13 May 2008

Roma Rights Journal: Roma Rights 4, 2007: Child Protection

21 April 2008

Press Releases: ERRC Press Releases from 2008

27 March 2008

Roma Rights Journal: Roma Rights 3, 2007: Perceptions

21 November 2007

Roma Rights Journal: News Roundup: Snapshots from Around Europe

20 November 2007

Roma Rights Journal: Macedonia Roma Protest against Police Brutality

20 November 2007

Roma Rights Journal: Roma Rights 1-2, 2007: Social Assistance

19 June 2007

Roma Rights Journal: Chronicle

17 May 2007

Roma Rights Journal: Shifting from Terminology to Substance

16 May 2007

Press Releases: ERRC Press Releases from 2007

26 March 2007

Reports & Submissions: West Balkans and Turkey

30 January 2007

Press Releases: ERRC Press Releases from 2006

26 November 2006

Roma Rights Journal: Roma Rights 2-3, 2006: ERRC 10th Anniversary

14 November 2006

Roma Rights Journal: News Roundup: Snapshots from Around Europe

13 November 2006

Roma Rights Journal: Chronicle

13 November 2006

Roma Rights Journal: The Decade of Roma Rights

31 October 2006

Reports & Submissions: ERRC submission to UN CESCR on Macedonia (September 2006)

19 September 2006

Press Releases: Roma Rights at UN Minorities Group

14 August 2006

Roma Rights Journal: News Roundup: Snapshots from Around Europe

03 April 2006

Roma Rights Journal: Roma Rights 1, 2006: Exclusion from Employment

03 April 2006

Roma Rights Journal: Romani Boy Beaten After School in Tetovo

03 April 2006

Roma Rights Journal: Chronicle

31 March 2006

Projects & Campaigns: Law in Action - Developing Civil Society

16 February 2006

Roma Rights Journal: Roma Rights 3-4, 2005: Justice for Kosovo

01 February 2006

Roma Rights Journal: News Roundup: Snapshots from Around the World

01 February 2006

Roma Rights Journal: Larry Olomoofe

01 February 2006

Roma Rights Journal: Chronicle

31 January 2006

Roma Rights Journal: Justice for Kosovo

31 January 2006

Reports & Submissions: ERRC submission to UN CEDAW on Macedonia (January 2006)

16 January 2006

Roma Rights Journal: Challenging Taboos: Testimony

22 July 2005

Roma Rights Journal: How to Talk about This to the 'Outside'?

21 July 2005

Roma Rights Journal: Chronicle

21 July 2005

Roma Rights Journal: Roma Rights 2, 2005: Rights and Traditions

21 July 2005

Press Releases: ERRC Press Releases from 2005

13 March 2005

Roma Rights Journal: My Life as a Refugee, 1999-2004

11 March 2005

Press Releases: Action on Romani Women's Rights in Macedonia

25 February 2005

Roma Rights Journal: Chronicle

16 December 2004

Roma Rights Journal: More Violent Acts Towards Roma by Macedonian Police

16 December 2004

Roma Rights Journal: News Roundup: Snapshots From Around Europe

16 December 2004

Press Releases: ERRC Publishes Human Rights Guide for Activists

15 December 2004

Roma Rights Journal: Roma Rights 3-4, 2004: Health Care

15 December 2004

Roma Rights Journal: News Roundup: Snapshots from Around Europe

30 July 2004

Roma Rights Journal: Roma Rights 2, 2004: Ethnic Statistics

29 July 2004

Roma Rights Journal: Romani Women Discuss Women's Rights Action

29 July 2004

Roma Rights Journal: Police Abuse Romani Youth in Macedonia

29 July 2004

Roma Rights Journal: Snapshots from around Europe

07 July 2004

Roma Rights Journal: News Roundup: Snapshots from Around Europe

28 May 2004

Roma Rights Journal: The Roma: Between a Myth and the Future

27 May 2004

Roma Rights Journal: Found Path

27 May 2004

Roma Rights Journal: Roma Rights 1, 2004: What is Roma Rights?

27 May 2004

Roma Rights Journal: Romani Women's Participation in Public Life

07 February 2004

Roma Rights Journal: Roma Rights 4, 2003: Political Rights

07 February 2004

Roma Rights Journal: News Roundup: Snapshots from Around Europe

17 December 2003

Press Releases: ERRC Press Releases from 2003

29 November 2003

Roma Rights Journal: Privileging the Document

29 October 2003

Roma Rights Journal: The Right to an Identity

29 October 2003

Roma Rights Journal: Anti-Romani Speech in the Macedonian Press

29 October 2003

Roma Rights Journal: News roundup: Snapshots from around Europe

29 October 2003

Press Releases: Macedonian Police Forcibly Expel Roma to Kosovo

19 September 2003

Roma Rights Journal: Police Violence against Roma in Macedonia

10 May 2003

Roma Rights Journal: ERRC Scholarship Recipients 2002/2003

10 May 2003

Roma Rights Journal: Romani Man Shot in Macedonia

10 May 2003

Roma Rights Journal: Albanian Roma Evicted in Greece

10 May 2003

Roma Rights Journal: Roma Rights 1-2, 2003: Anti-Discrimination Law

10 May 2003

Roma Rights Journal: News Roundup: Snapshots from around Europe

10 May 2003

Roma Rights Journal: Police Violence against Roma in Macedonia

07 November 2002

Roma Rights Journal: Police Violence against Roma in Macedonia

07 November 2002

Roma Rights Journal: Grants Awarded

07 November 2002

Roma Rights Journal: Roma Rights 3-4, 2002: Segregation and Desegregation

07 November 2002

Roma Rights Journal: Kosovo Roma Refugees in Macedonia Protest

07 November 2002

Roma Rights Journal: Roma Rights Summer University 2002

07 November 2002

Roma Rights Journal: News Roundup: Snapshots from Around Europe

07 November 2002

Roma Rights Journal: Roma Rights 2, 2002: Fortress Europe

10 July 2002

Roma Rights Journal: News roundup: Snapshots from around Europe

10 July 2002

Roma Rights Journal: Romani Man Shot in Macedonia

10 July 2002

Roma Rights Journal: Grassroots Strategies to Combat Extreme Poverty

07 May 2002

Roma Rights Journal: Dimensions of Romani Poverty in Albania

07 May 2002

Roma Rights Journal: Roma Recognised in New Macedonian Constitution

07 May 2002

Roma Rights Journal: Roma Rights 1, 2002: Extreme Poverty

07 May 2002

Roma Rights Journal: News roundup: Snapshots from around Europe

07 May 2002

Press Releases: ERRC Press Releases from 2001

29 November 2001

Roma Rights Journal: Nezdet Mustafa: Portrait of a Romani politician

07 November 2001

Roma Rights Journal: Chronicle

07 November 2001

Roma Rights Journal: ERRC dissociates itself from WCAR NGO Forum

07 November 2001

Roma Rights Journal: Displaced Kosovo Roma in the region: an update

07 November 2001

Roma Rights Journal: The Romani movement: what shape, what direction?

07 November 2001

Roma Rights Journal: World Conference Against Racism

07 November 2001

Roma Rights Journal: Police beat Romani man in Macedonia

07 November 2001

Roma Rights Journal: Roma Rights 4, 2001: Mobilisation/participation

07 November 2001

Roma Rights Journal: Violence against Roma in Kosovo continues

07 November 2001

Roma Rights Journal: News roundup: Snapshots from around Europe

07 November 2001

Press Releases: ERRC Dissociates Itself from WCAR NGO Forum

05 September 2001

Roma Rights Journal: ERRC press statement: Roma in the Macedonia conflict

15 August 2001

Roma Rights Journal: Roma Rights 2-3, 2001: Government programmes on Roma

15 August 2001

Press Releases: Roma in the Macedonian Conflict

13 July 2001

Roma Rights Journal: “Roma Times” hits newstands

10 April 2001

Roma Rights Journal: Roma Rights 1, 2001: Access to Justice

10 April 2001

Roma Rights Journal: Chronicle

10 April 2001

Roma Rights Journal: News roundup: Snapshots from around Europe

10 April 2001

Roma Rights Journal: News roundup: Snapshots from around Europe

05 December 2000

Roma Rights Journal: Roma Rights 4, 2000: Racism: denial and acknowledgement

05 December 2000

Roma Rights Journal: Police abuse of Roma in Macedonia

05 December 2000

Press Releases: ERRC Press Releases from 2000

29 November 2000

Press Releases: Campland: Racial Segregation of Roma in Italy

03 November 2000

Roma Rights Journal: Authorities destroy Romani housing in Italy

03 October 2000

Roma Rights Journal: Kosovo Romani refugees

03 October 2000

Roma Rights Journal: Chronicle

03 October 2000

Roma Rights Journal: New leadership of the International Romani Union

03 October 2000

Press Releases: Police Abuse in Macedonia

19 September 2000

Roma Rights Journal: The right to adequate housing

11 July 2000

Roma Rights Journal: Romani houses burned in Macedonia

11 July 2000

Roma Rights Journal: Teacher attacks Roma in Macedonia

11 July 2000

Roma Rights Journal: Unhousing Roma

11 July 2000

Roma Rights Journal: Roma Rights 2, 2000: Housing

11 July 2000

Roma Rights Journal: News Roundup: Snapshots from around Europe

11 July 2000

Roma Rights Journal: New cases of police brutality in Macedonia

11 July 2000

Roma Rights Journal: Romani women in Romani and majority societies

12 April 2000

Roma Rights Journal: News roundup: Snapshots from around Europe

12 April 2000

Roma Rights Journal: Roma Rights 1, 2000: Women's rights

12 April 2000

Roma Rights Journal: Deklaracia le internacionalno konferenciaqi

12 April 2000

Press Releases: Open letter of the Romano Centro to the OSCE

10 January 2000

Roma Rights Journal: Minorities and media freedom under international law

07 December 1999

Roma Rights Journal: Stateless: Roma in the media today

07 December 1999

Roma Rights Journal: Romani success in local elections in Bulgaria

07 December 1999

Roma Rights Journal: News Roundup: Snapshots from around Europe

07 December 1999

Roma Rights Journal: Roma Rights 4, 1999: Romani media/Mainstream media

07 December 1999

Roma Rights Journal: Czech authorities build ghetto wall, tear it down again

07 December 1999

Roma Rights Journal: Chronicle

07 December 1999

Roma Rights Journal: More police abuse of Roma in Macedonia

07 December 1999

Press Releases: ERRC Press Releases from 1999

29 November 1999

Press Releases: Letter to Belgian Prime Minister

01 October 1999

Press Releases: Letter to Macedonian Interior Minister

23 September 1999

Roma Rights Journal: Tony Gatlif's film Gadjo Dilo furthers the Roma cause

05 September 1999

Roma Rights Journal: Roma from Kosovo testify

05 September 1999

Roma Rights Journal: Police officers assault Romani man in Macedonia

05 September 1999

Roma Rights Journal: News roundup: Snapshots from around Europe

05 September 1999

Roma Rights Journal: Ethnic Albanians beat two Romani men in Macedonia

05 September 1999

Roma Rights Journal: Roma Rights 3, 1999: Competing Romani Identities

05 September 1999

Roma Rights Journal: Chronicle

05 September 1999

Press Releases: Letter to Interior Minister of Macedonia

31 August 1999

Roma Rights Journal: Roma from Kosovo Testify

02 August 1999

Roma Rights Journal: Roma and the Kosovo conflict

15 July 1999

Roma Rights Journal: ERRC in Kosovo: pogrom situation

15 July 1999

Roma Rights Journal: Romani refugees from Kosovo in Albania

15 July 1999

Roma Rights Journal: News roundup: Snapshots from Around Europe

15 July 1999

Roma Rights Journal: Abuse of Romani students in Macedonian schools

15 July 1999

Roma Rights Journal: The Roma of Kosovo

15 July 1999

Roma Rights Journal: Roma Rights 2, 1999: Roma and the Kosovo Conflict

15 July 1999

Roma Rights Journal: The last Yugoslavs

15 July 1999

Roma Rights Journal: Chronicle

15 July 1999

Press Releases: The Current Situation of Roma in Kosovo

09 July 1999

Roma Rights Journal: News roundup: Snapshots from around Europe

03 April 1999

Roma Rights Journal: The other refugees

03 April 1999

Roma Rights Journal: Roma Rights 1, 1999: Forced Migration

03 April 1999

Roma Rights Journal: Roma and the Kosovo conflict

03 April 1999

Roma Rights Journal: Chronicle

03 April 1999

Roma Rights Journal: ERRC scholarship recipients

03 April 1999

Roma Rights Journal: Police violence in Macedonian markets

05 January 1999

Roma Rights Journal: News roundup: Snapshots from around Europe

05 January 1999

Roma Rights Journal: Roma Rights Autumn 1998: Legal Defence

05 January 1999

Roma Rights Journal: Election fever in Macedonia

05 January 1999

Roma Rights Journal: Chronicle

05 January 1999

Roma Rights Journal: The ERRC in Croatia

10 September 1998

Roma Rights Journal: News roundup: Snapshots from around Europe

10 September 1998

Roma Rights Journal: Chronicle

10 September 1998

Roma Rights Journal: Police raid in Săruleşti, Romania

10 September 1998

Reports & Submissions: ERRC submission to CE ECRI on Macedonia (June 1998)

04 June 1998

Roma Rights Journal: News roundup: Snapshots from around Europe

15 May 1998

Roma Rights Journal: German Sinti and Roma demand minority rights

15 May 1998

Roma Rights Journal: Police brutality against Roma in Macedonia

15 May 1998

Roma Rights Journal: „Here the law is 'fear the police’”

02 April 1998

Roma Rights Journal: Anti-Roma protests in Croatia, Slovenia, Spain

02 April 1998

Roma Rights Journal: Field report: Italy

07 November 1997

Roma Rights Journal: Legislating ruin

07 November 1997

Roma Rights Journal: News roundup: Snapshot from around Europe

07 November 1997

Roma Rights Journal: On representation

07 November 1997

Roma Rights Journal: Roma Rights: Autumn 1997

07 November 1997

Roma Rights Journal: Forced homelessness in Macedonia

07 November 1997

Roma Rights Journal: Police violence against Roma in Štip, Macedonia

03 August 1997

Roma Rights Journal: Memory needs a place

15 July 1997

Contributors: Dzavit Berisha

Contributors: Tefik Mahmut

Contributors: Senada Sali


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