European Commission against Racism and Intolerance Issues Third Report on Bulgaria
28 May 2004
On January 27, 2004, the Council of Europe's European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) made public its Third Report on Bulgaria. Special attention was paid to the situation of Roma in Bulgaria. In the Executive Summary, ECRI noted that "many of the recommendations in ECRI's second report have not been implemented or have been implemented only partially. […] There are still stereotypes, prejudices and discrimination against minority groups, particularly Roma, as well as against immigrants, refugees and asylum seekers. Lastly, there are still serious problems connected with the excessive use of firearms and force by the police against Roma. A large majority of Roma continue to face serious financial and social problems, live in very deprived neighbourhoods and are hard hit by unemployment. There is still a widespread problem of segregation of Roma children in schools, and, so far, the implementation of the Framework Programme for Equal Integration of Roma in Bulgarian Society, which the government adopted in 1999, is still in its early stages." ECRI put forth a number of recommendations to Bulgarian authorities, including:
"92. ECRI considers that there is an urgent need for the authorities to adopt specific measures to combat all forms of direct and indirect discrimination against members of the Roma community. In particular, it recommends that the Bulgarian authorities ensure that Roma have equal access to services offered to the public. It would draw attention, in this connection, to the measures advocated in its General Policy Recommendation N°3 on combating racism and intolerance against Roma/Gipsies and General Recommendation N°7 on national legislation to combat racism and racial discrimination. Special attention should be drawn to the situation of Roma women who may be victims of discrimination on several grounds, for instance on that of their sex and ethnic origin. […]
"100. ECRI urges the Bulgarian authorities to take steps without delay to give Roma children more equal opportunities in the educational field. It stresses the prime importance of devising a short-, medium- and long-term policy in this area and setting aside sufficient funds and resources to implement it.
"101. In particular, ECRI recommends that the authorities take over the "desegregation" programme by enabling children in schools attended solely by Roma children, where the standard of education is below average, to receive an education of the same standard as that given to other children. ECRI reiterates the urgent need to put a stop to the practice of placing Roma children who are not mentally handicapped in special schools intended for children with mental disabilities, and to reintegrate those already placed in such schools in the ordinary school system. […]
"108. ECRI urges the Bulgarian authorities to speed up the implementation of the Framework Programme for Equal Integration of Roma in Bulgarian Society. It recommends that the Bulgarian authorities take a clear public stand, asserting their political resolve to implement the Framework Programme without delay. ECRI also urges the authorities to ensure that the funds needed to finance the Framework Programme are made available."
The full text of ECRI's report on Bulgaria is available on the Internet at: (ERRC)