This section of our website addresses questions regarding the use of ERRC reports, newsletters, news releases, photographs, videos and other materials (ERRC Materials). If you need more information please contact:
ERRC News Content
The European Roma Rights Centre regularly publishes articles in our News section which are written by activists, lawyers, academics, and journalists who may or may not be associated with the organisation. The views and opinions expressed in these articles do not necessarily reflect those of the ERRC as an institution, unless otherwise stated, and remain the intellectual property of the writers themselves.
ERRC Volunteers
The European Roma Rights Centre has an active volunteer section known as "Roma Rights Defenders". These individuals and groups engage voluntarily with ERRC projects in cooperation with staff from the organisation. Any materials, written or otherwise, or views expressed by these volunteers or volunteer groups do not represent the ERRC unless explicitly stated otherwise. Use of the ERRC's logo and branding by volunteer groups is restricted unless written permission is obtained.
Using ERRC Materials in your work
All ERRC materials are subject to a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International licence. The full text of that licence is available here. Anyone is free to share and adapt our materials for non-commercial purposes provided the work is properly credited to the ERRC. You do not need to request permission before using or sharing one of the ERRC’s materials.
Use of the ERRC logo or institutional identity materials
The ERRC logo and other institutional identity materials are the intellectual property of the organisation and can not be copied from our documents or website for use elsewhere.
Citing ERRC Materials
The ERRC requests that you cite the author, title of the work, copyright notice and date. Excluding commentaries and individually authored articles, the author should be cited as “European Roma Rights Centre.”
Linking an ERRC webpage on another Internet site
ERRC web pages can be freely linked on external web pages, unless it is explicitly indicated otherwise.
Photographs and other visual elements appearing in ERRC Materials
Permission is required for the use of all photographs and other visual elements appearing on the ERRC Website. The ERRC does not always own the copyright for photographs and other visual elements included within ERRC Materials. In such cases, the ERRC will attempt to provide contact information for the copyright holder when available. Please contact us at about specific photographs or other visual elements and include the link where it appears on our website.
Translation of ERRC Materials
The ERRC will deal with such requests on a case by case basis but ERRC permission is required. The ERRC reserves the right to review and approve the translated document as a condition of permitting the desired use. Please enquire with:
The English language versions of public documents, including all press releases and ERRC News articles, shall be considered the official versions of those documents. In case of any discrepancies between the original English version and translations in other languages, the English version shall be referred to as the official one.