

The European Roma Rights Centre employs a diverse and dedicated staff committed to the protection and promotion of human rights and equality for Roma in Europe. Our staff members include both Roma and non-Roma from many countries across Europe and the World. The ERRC is an equal opportunity employer that does not discriminate on any ground in its hiring and seeks a diverse staff profile, with a particular focus on Romani staff members.



The ERRC offers a limited number of in-person and remote internship opportunities each year to both Romani and non-Romani individuals. Internships are generally unpaid, however support to Romani candidates may be provided in line with the ERRC's goal of Romani empowerment. The ERRC can provide relevant letters of support to prospective interns. Students may be able to arrange academic credit for their internship and should check with their individual academic institutions for requirements.
The ERRC offers internships in our legal department and in our communications and advocacy team. ERRC interns are involved in a wide range of administrative and substantive activities. Depending on the organisation's needs and the intern’s particular interests and abilities, they might be asked to: help ERRC staff file materials and provide other administrative support, arrange events and research missions, monitor human rights developments through desk and/or field research, edit reports, translate texts, draft reports on human rights abuses or legal documents, conduct legal research and assist in preparing cases for litigation, engage in advocacy efforts, produce media content, and support human rights training of activists.
All internship applicants should be self-motivated, well-organised, and reliable with a strong interest in human rights. Experience living or working in Romani communities is preferable, knowledge of Roma rights issues would be beneficial, and evidence of relevant coursework is desirable. Knowledge of regional languages (those spoken in areas with a high Romani population) is a plus. Computer skills (i.e., Microsoft Office, social media) are required.
Please check the calls listed on this website for employment and internship openings, subscribe to our mailing list, or keep an eye on our social media channels.


Challenge discrimination, promote equality


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