Swedish government considers adhering to the European Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities

05 January 1999

The Minority Language Committee of the Swedish government suggested that Sweden should adhere to the European Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities. According to this proposal, the Sami language, Finnish and the Romani chib should be declared historical minority languages in Sweden and a minority policy should be developed to protect and support the minority languages. The Minority Language Committee also suggested that the culture and history of minorities should be taught in Swedish schools, and academic studies of minority languages should enjoy the support of the government. Furthermore, according to the proposal, in public radio and television the Romani chib should have a "special position". Support should also be considered for magazines, newspapers and cultural institutions as well as for organizations which represent the minorities. The committee's suggestions are now being discussed by various organizations and institutions who have been invited to give their views on the matter - among them The Nordic Gypsy Council, who have taken an active part in the committee's work. The Swedish parliament is expected to vote on the issue this spring. (ERRC)


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