Television Station in France Accused of Incitement to Racial Hatred

22 July 2005

Several Roma organisations in France, including La Voix des Rroms, accused the television station "5" of incitement to racial hatred due to the program "Delinquency: The Road of the Roms" which aired on February 11, 2005. The show consistently linked Roma with prostitution, organised crime and child labour. According to La Voix des Rroms, Mr. Laulan, a representative from the Institute of Geopolitics, stated on the program that he believed that Romani children could be integrated into society only if removed from their family environments. He further elaborated that he did not see a solution for the adults. A policeman was also quoted accusing Roma of abducting children from poorer countries to be used for begging purposes.

(La Voix des Rroms)


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