Discrimination against Roma in Romania

07 May 2002

According to a press release by the non-governmental organisation Aven Amentza of February 7, 2002, Mr Nicolae Paun, president of the Roma Party, announced that the Roma Party planned to cancel its protocol agreement with the Social Democratic Party in Romania, because Roma are allegedly discriminated against in the application of the Law on Guaranteeing Minimal Income (Law 416/2001). On January 1, 2002, the Law on Guaranteeing Minimal Income entered into force. The law provides that families with an income of less than 600,000 Romania lei (approximately 21 euros) per month receive supplemental income from local authorities to bring the family income up to this amount. Local authorities have discretion in deciding who is eligible for the supplement, after applications are submitted by families in need. According to the national daily newspaper Adevarul of February 3, 2002, in Gorj County in southern Romania, a representative of the Gorj County General Department of Labour and Social Solidarity, an official body, stated that "Roma hide or temporarily sell part of their goods in order to benefit from this law." Local authorities are reportedly not granting Romani applicants this benefit on the basis of this contention. Information on discrimination against Roma in access to social services is available on the ERRC Internet website at: www.errc.org

(Adevarul, Aven Amentza)


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