20 February 2006
Since January 2005, the Irish Traveller Movement, in partnership with the ERRC and the Milan Simecka Foundation, has been implementing a 2-year project to develop a network of experienced and competent Traveller, Roma and Sinti advocates to improve the ability of locally-based Traveller, Romani and Sinti organisations to ensure the benefits of the provisions of the EU Directives are applied to Traveller, Romani and Sinti communities who experience severe levels of racism and discrimination. In order to achieve this goal, the partners are conducting a series of 6 cumulative training events for 30 activists from Czech Republic, Hungary, Ireland, Italy and Slovakia, addressing the following themes:
- The Race Equality Directive;
- Practical Monitoring;
- Using Strategic Litigation;
- Effective National Level Advocacy;
- International Advocacy; and
- Working with the Media.
The project is funded by the European Community under the European Comnunity Action Programme to Combat Social Exclusion 2002 - 2006. Further information on the Community Action Programme can be found at: