Temporary Protection: The Ongoing Struggle of Romani Refugees from Ukraine in the Czech Republic, Hungary, Moldova, Romania, and Slovakia

17 June 2024

The report explores how Romani refugees from Ukraine access their fundamental rights in five receiving countries: the Czech Republic, Hungary, Moldova, Romania, and Slovakia. The research was conducted based on ERRC monitoring and legal teams in each country, accompanied by specific field visits by ERRC researchers to interview Romani refugees that are long-term resident in their host country. The report details widespread barriers which deny Romani refugees access to basic infrastructure and services. Roma are frequently unable to access adequate housing, healthcare (especially mental health and women’s reproductive and sexual health), or integrated education. In addition, many are shut out from the formal job market entirely by structural barriers or direct discrimination in spite of their right to work in the receiving countries. 

The report, Temporary Protection: The Ongoing Struggle of Romani Refugees from Ukraine in the Czech Republic, Hungary, Moldova, Romania, and Slovakia can be downloaded here.



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