We are Here!: Discriminatory Exclusion and Struggle for Rights of Roma in Turkey

15 April 2008

The book titled "We Are Here" was compiled as an outcome of the project "Roma Rights in Turkey" by the ERRC, the Helsinki Citizen's Assembly and EDROM. It draws on field research undertaken by the project partners and reflects upon the experiences gained during the project, the partners' expertise in Roma rights advocacy, the promotion of civil society values and the grassroots mobilisation of Romani communities. One of the key focuses is the emergence and development of Romani civil society organisations in Turkey with an overview of their place in Turkish civil society, their goals, activities and needs. On the other hand, various theoretical matters are discussed such as an analysis of the relationship between Turkish nationalism and Roma, and a literature review of the works on Roma in Turkey. On the whole, "We are Here" is an attempt to provide an overview of the situation of Romani communities throughout Turkey and present human rights issues of particular concern. It focuses on those legal norms (or the absence of such), practices and conditions which affect Roma and deny members of this community equal access to rights and opportunities.

The full text of the report in English
The full text of the report in Turkish


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