Roma Rights 1, 2000: Women's rights
12 April 2000
Without equal rights, women’s power is hardly real: it has to be navigated through the crooked labyrinths of existing social behaviours. And its flow will go only as far as the real masters (men) allow. And then, how does women’s cunning stop the hand of an abusive father or spouse? With the disintegration of traditional society, even this limited power of women is gone, because the social metabolism is not any longer so dependent on women’s roles. And once this happens, vindication of rights has become the new historic way in which women can reclaim their status. Lalia stood on the shaking border of traditional and modern patriarchy. How will her daughters make their life choices in the not too distant future? The discussions of this issue of Roma Rights, we hope, are a part of shaping the future roads for Romani women.
Romani women (Dimitrina Petrova)
Austria * Bosnia and Herzegovina * Bulgaria * Czech Republic * Germany * Greece * Hungary * Italy * Macedonia * Romania * Slovakia * Spain * Sweden * Ukraine * United Kingdom * Yugoslavia
Konvencija vash i Diskriminacija pe Romnja vi lengi Eliminacija (Romani translation of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women)
Romani women in Romani and majority societies (Roundtable: Romani activists on women's rights Sabina Xhemajli)
Macedonian and Bulgarian Muslim Romani women: power, politics, and creativity in ritual (Carol Silverman)
Nexus: domestic violence, Romani courts and recognition (Claude Cahn)
Silent attack: a campaign of sterilization of Romani women (Joanna Wells)
Declaration of the international conference: Public policies and Romani women in Central and East European countries
Deklaracia le internacionalno konferenciaqi: Publikane Politike thaj Romane Giuvlea and-e Estikani thaj Centralno Evropa
ERRC letter to the Italian Prime Minister
ERRC letter to the Military Prosecutor of Tirgu-Mureş, Romania
The ERRC legal strategy to challenge racial segregation and discrimination in Czech schools
ERRC files against Romania (Branimir Pleše)
Roma dignity restored in a landmark judgement (Branimir Pleše)
Kosovo Roma today: violence, insecurity, enclaves and displacement (Tatjana Perić)
Identity does matter: an old problem in a new Europe (James A. Goldston)