Dzuvljarke: Roma Lesbian Existence

01 July 2014

The aim of this paper is to ensure that when lesbian existence is discussed, the conversation opens a path leading to the empowerment of these women, who are, at the moment nameless and invisible and remain objects of shame and victims of multiple forms of violence and discrimination.

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Racial Discrimination, Deprivation, Segregation and Marginalisation as a Reinforcement of the Practice of Child Marriage

01 July 2014

This report is based on a socio-economic comparison between Roma communities in two locations: Roma who migrated from Romania to Italy and have regular access to social services, and Roma who stayed in Romania and continue to live ina highly marginalised situation.

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ERRC submission to the European Commission on Macedonia (May 2014)

26 May 2014

Written comments by the ERRC concerning Macedonia's EU accession progress for consideration by the European Commission during its 2014 review.

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ERRC submission to the European Commission on Serbia (May 2014)

26 May 2014

Written comments by the ERRC concerning Serbia's EU accession progress for consideration by the European Commission during its 2014 review.

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Україна: Профіль країни 2011-2012

20 May 2014

У фокусі звіту по Україні розглядається відсутність особистих документів, питання житла, насильство і освіта, бо це ключові області роботи Європейського центру з прав ромів.

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ERRC submission to the European Commission on Turkey (April 2014)

28 April 2014

Written comments by the ERRC concerning Turkey's EU accession progress for consideration by the European Commission during its 2014 review.

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ERRC submission to UN CESCR on Romania (March 2014)

28 March 2014

Written Comments by the European Roma Rights Centre, concerning Romania, for consideration by the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights at its 53rd session (26-30 May 2014).  

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