Türkiye: Ülke Profili 2011-2012

26 March 2014

Türkiye ülke profili, ERRC’nin ana çalışma alanları olan konut (tahliyeler), eğitim ve kapasite geliştirme başlıkları üzerine odaklanmıştır. Ayrıca 2012 yılında Türkiye’de istihdam ve sağlık alanlarında Romanlara ilişkin belli başlı gelişmelere de değinmektedir.

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ERRC submission to UN CESCR on Serbia (March 2014)

21 March 2014

Written Comments by the European Roma Rights Centre, PRAXIS and Other Partner Organisations, concerning Serbia, for consideration by the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights at its 52nd session (28 April - 23 May 2014).

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ERRC submission to UN UPR on Italy (March 2014)

20 March 2014

Written Comments of the European Roma Rights Centre, concerning Italy to the Human Rights Council, within its Universal Periodic Review, for consideration at the 20th session (27 October to 7 November 2014).

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A Long Way to Go: Overrepresentation of Romani Children in “Special Schools” in Serbia

19 March 2014

For more than a decade the European Roma Rights Centre (ERRC) has monitored access of Roma to education in the region. Overrepresentation of Romani children in “special schools” has always been an issue in terms of both quality and equality of education.

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Još uvek daleko od cilja: Prezastupljenost romske dece u „specijalnim školama” u Srbiji

19 March 2014

Već duže od deset godina Evropski centar za prava Roma (European Roma Rights Centre – ERRC) prati pristup Roma obrazovanju u regionu. Prezastupljenost romske dece u „specijalnim školama” je oduvek bilo pitanje, u smislu i kvaliteta i jednakosti u obrazovanju.

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ERRC submission to UN CESCR on the Czech Republic (March 2014)

06 March 2014

Written Comments by the European Roma Rights Centre, Mental Disability Advocacy Centre, League of Human Rights and the Platform for Social Housing concerning the Czech Republic, for consideration by the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights at its 52nd session (28 April - 23 March 2014).

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ERRC submission to UN CESCR on Ukraine (March 2014)

05 March 2014

Written Comments by the European Roma Rights Centre and Chiricli concerning Ukraine, for consideration by the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights at its 52nd session (28 April - 23 March 2014).

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