ERRC submission to UN CESCR on Serbia (October 2013)

09 October 2013

Written Comments by the European Roma Rights Centre concerning Serbia, for consideration by the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights at its 52nd session (2-6 December 2013).

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ERRC submission to UN CESCR on Ukraine (October 2013)

09 October 2013

Written Comments by the European Roma Rights Centre concerning Ukraine, for consideration by the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights at its 52nd session (2-6 December 2013).

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Czech Republic: Country Profile 2011-2012

17 July 2013

The Czech country profile focuses strongly on violence against Roma, education and housing as key areas of work for the ERRC. It also looks at the following areas: coercive sterilisation, children’s rights and Romani children in institutional care.

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France: Country Profile 2011-2012

17 July 2013

The country profile on France focuses strongly on migrant Roma and thereby, on the following issues: violence and hate speech, movement and migration,evictions.

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Italy: Country Profile 2011-2012

17 July 2013

The country profile on Italy focuses on both migrant Roma and autochthonous Roma and on issues such as state of emergency, anti-Romani violence and hate speech, housing, education, health, movement, migration and statelessness.

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Македонија: Извештајот за состојбите 2011-2012

17 July 2013

Извештајот за состојбите во Македонија се фокусира на состојбите во образованието, домувањето, миграцијата, азилот и насилството, како клучни области на кои работи Европскиот центар за правата на Ромите.

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Macedonia: Country Profile 2011-2012

17 July 2013

The Macedonia country profile focuses strongly on education, housing, migration and asylum and violence, as key areas of work for the ERRC.

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