Romania: Country Profile 2011-2012

17 July 2013

The Romania country profile focuses strongly on housing and evictions as a key area of work for the ERRC. It also looks at the following areas: movement and migration; women’s and children’s rights; violence against Roma, including police mistreatment of Roma and anti-Roma statements from high-level officials, members of Government or politicians.

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Russian Federation: Country Profile 2011-2012

17 July 2013

In addition to following individual cases of violence towards Roma, the activities of the ERRC in Russia focused on analysing access to personal documents in Rostov Oblast. Therefore, this presentation provides a brief overview of the human rights situation of Roma in Russia, but reflects in particular a case study on a specific problem: lack of personal documents which, however, is valid for Romani communities in other parts of Russia too and affects the possibility to enjoy fundamental rights.

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Serbia: Country Profile 2011-2012

17 July 2013

The Serbia country profile focuses strongly on hate speech and violence, housing, education, migration and asylumas key areas of work for the ERRC.

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Slovakia: Country Profile 2011-2012

17 July 2013

The country profile on Slovakia focuses strongly on segregation in education, housing, police violence against Roma and racially motivated attacks, Romani children in institutional care and coercive sterilisation of Romani Women.

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Turkey: Country Profile 2011-2012

17 July 2013

The Turkey country profile focuses on housing (evictions), education and capacity-building as key areas of work for the ERRC. It also looks at the main developments when it comes to employment and health of Roma in Turkey in 2012.

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Ukraine: Country Profile 2011-2012

17 July 2013

The Ukraine country profile focuses on lack of personal documents, housing, violence and education as key areas for work for the ERRC.

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ERRC submission to UN HRC on Slovakia (June 2013)

25 June 2013

Written Comments by the European Roma Rights Centre concerning Slovakia to the Human Rights Council, within its Universal Periodic Review, for consideration at its 18th session (January-February 2014).

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