Five More Years of Injustice: Segregated Education for Roma in the Czech Republic

08 November 2012

In 2007, the European Court of Human Rights found that the Czech Republic had violated the right of Romani children to an education free from discrimination, by placing them in “special schools”, which offered lower quality education.

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Čechiko rajariben na kerel lačhi buťi imar pandž berš: o školi diskriminen le romen

08 November 2012

Andro berš 2007 diňa o Evropsko sudos vaš manušengere čačipena baro verdiktos, kaj phenel, hoj has čhindo o čačipen vaš o sikhľkuviben, te o romane čhavore has bičhade andro školi vaš o čhavore loka mentalno retardacijaha.

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Česká vláda propadá už pátým rokem: školy stále diskriminují Romy

08 November 2012

V roce 2007 vydal Evropský soud pro lidská práva přelomový rozsudek, v němž se vyslovil, že Česká republika porušila právo romských dětí na rovné vzdělání tím, že je umístila do bývalých zvláštních škol, které poskytují méně kvalitní vzdělání.

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Abandoned Minority: Roma Rights History in Kosovo

18 October 2012

Roma, Ashkali and Egyptians are among the most vulnerable of the communities in Kosovo. More than 10 years after the ethnic conflict in Kosovo they remain marginalised and unable to rebuild their lives.

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ERRC submission to UN HRC on the Russian Federation (October 2012)

15 October 2012

Written Comments of the European Roma Rights Centre concerning Russian Federation to the Human Rights Council, within its Universal Periodic Review, for consideration at its 16th session (22 April to 3 May 2013).

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ERRC submission to UN HRC on Ukraine (October 2012)

09 October 2012

Written Comments of the European Roma Rights Centre  concerning Ukraine to the Human Rights Committee for consideration at its 106th session (15 October to 2 November 2012).

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ERRC submission to UN HRC on Serbia (July 2012)

16 July 2012

Written Comments of the European Roma Rights Centre and Minority Rights Centre concerning Serbia to the Human Rights Council, within its Universal Periodic Review, for consideration at its 15th session (21 January to 1 February 2013).

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