ERRC submission to UN CRC on Italy (July 2011)

27 July 2011

Written Comments of the European Roma Rights Centre (ERRC) Concerning Italy for consideration by the Committee on the Rights of the Child at its 58th session, from 19 September to 7 October 2011.

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ERRC submission to UN CRC on Greece (July 2011)

26 July 2011

Written Comments of the European Roma Rights Centre (ERRC) Concerning Greece for consideration by the Committee on the Rights of the Child at its 58th session, from 19 September to 7 October 2011.

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ERRC submission to UN CERD on the Czech Republic (July 2011)

25 July 2011

Written Comments of the European Roma Rights Centre (ERRC) Concerning the Czech Republic to the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination at its 79th session, from 8 August to 2 September 2011.

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ERRC submission to the Council of Europe on implementation of human rights judgments in Romania

19 July 2011

Second communication by the ERRC concerning Romania's implementation of Moldovan and Others v. Romania (No.1, friendly settlement), Moldovan and Others v. Romania (No.2), Kalanyos and Others v. Romania (friendly settlement), Gergely v. Romania (friendly settlement) for consideration by the Committee of Ministers during its September 2011 review.

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ERRC submission to UN CEDAW on Italy (June 2011)

07 July 2011

Parallel submission by the European Roma Rights Centre, Idea Rom Onlus and Opera Nomadi Reggio Calabria, Concerning Italy for Consideration by the Committee on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women at its 49th Session.

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Rapporto ERRC sull'Italia presentato al Comitato CEDAW delle Nazioni Unite (giugno 2011)

07 July 2011

Rapporto ombra sull'Italia ad opera di ERRC, Idea Rom Onlus e Opera Nomadi Reggio Calabria presentato al Comitato per l'Eliminazione di ogni Forma di Discriminazione contro le Donne in occasione della sua 49ma sessione.

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Doživotní trest: Romské děti v ústavní péči v České republice

20 June 2011

Romské děti v České republice jsou v systému sociálně-právní ochrany dětí znevýhodněny. Jsou také nadměrně zastoupeny v systému ústavní péče. Příslušná legislativa a postupy nejsou jednotné ani dostatečně definované. Chybí právní definice ohrožení dítěte a právně závazná pravidla pro zhodnocení míry ohrožení dítěte.

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