Life Sentence: Romani Children in State Care in the Czech Republic

20 June 2011

Romani children are disadvantaged within the Czech child protection system and highly overrepresented within the system of Czech institutional care. Relevant legislative and policy is not unified or sufficiently defined. A legal definition of child endangerment and legally binding guidelines for assessing child endangerment are lacking. Preventative social work is inadequate to address the problems experienced by marginalised Romani families. Significant problems experienced by a great number of Romani families in the Czech Republic, such as structural poverty, inadequate housing, unemployment and indebtedness are rarely addressed effectively and often form the basis for child removal, although the highest Czech courts have confirmed that ...

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Life Sentence: Romani Children in Institutional Care

20 June 2011

Romani children are overrepresented in institutional care compared to their proportion of the population as a whole in Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Italy, Romania and Slovakia. All six countries have adopted specific laws which govern child protection matters, with the best interests of the child as the prevailing legal principle. Detailed descriptions of child endangerment and clear methodological guidelines for its assessment are lacking in all countries, which provides significant opportunity for the mis-application or subjective interpretation of relevant provisions by child protection and social workers. Many factors contribute to the overrepresentation of Romani children in institutional care, including discrimination, ...

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Life Sentence: Romani Children in State Care in Hungary

20 June 2011

Romani children are overrepresented in State care compared to their overall share of the population in Hungary. A large number of Romani children are removed from their families due to material reasons and the number of children removed from their families for this reason is reported to rising due to the economic crisis, despite the fact that Hungarian law bans this.

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Életfogytiglan: Roma gyermekek a magyar gyermekvédelmi rendszerben

20 June 2011

Magyarországon a roma származású gyermekek - a teljes lakossághoz viszonyított arányukat figyelembe véve - felülreprezentáltak a gyermekvédelmi szakellátási rendszerben. A roma gyermekek nagy része anyagi okok miatt kerül kiemelése a családjukból, amely arány a gazdasági válság miatt tovább nő, annak ellenére, hogy a gyermekvédelmi törvény szerint gyermeket csupán anyagi körülményei miatt családjából kiemelni nem lehet.

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Life Sentence: Romani Children in State Care in Romania

20 June 2011

Romani children are overrepresented in State care in Romania. There are a number of gaps in Romanian law and policy that contribute to this, and the lack of disaggregated data collection renders existing policy ineffective in addressing this. There is no legal definition of child endangerment although situations that may lead to the removal of parental rights are described and clear methodological guidelines for assessing child endangerment are lacking. Various factors, aggravated by discrimination and social exclusion, contribute to the overrepresentation of Romani children in State care: the most common are poverty related, such as a lack of employment, inadequate housing and health care, household size, child abandonment in maternity ...

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Condamnaţi pe viaţă: Copiii romi din România aflaţi în grija statului

20 June 2011

Copiii romi sunt suprareprezentaţi în instituţiile de ocrotire din România. Există un număr de lipsuri în legislaţia şi politicile din România care contribuie la această situaţie, iar lipsa colectării de date dezagregate contribuie la ineficienţa politicilor existente în a adresa acest subiect.

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ERRC submission to the Council of Europe on implementation of human rights judgments in the Czech Republic

07 June 2011

Joint communication by the ERRC and OSJI concerning Czech Republic's implementation of D.H. and Others v the Czech Republic for consideration by the Committee of Ministers during its June 2011 review.

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