Standards Do Not Apply: Inadequate Housing in Romani Communities

02 February 2011

Roma in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia and Slovakia live in substandard housing conditions. Racism and discrimination pose obstacles to Roma in accessing adequate housing conditions. Discrimination by public officials is apparent not only during the process of forced evictions, but also in access to social housing.

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ERRC submission to UN CERD on Serbia (January 2011)

27 January 2011

Written Comments of the European Roma Rights Centre (ERRC) Concerning Serbia to the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination at its 78th session, from 14 February to 11 March 2011.

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Understanding employment and decent work challenges in Turkey, the situation of Roma in Turkey

05 December 2010

The purpose of this study is to provide background and expert information on the situation of Roma in Turkey and to underline the policy options for ensuring better social inclusion, as well as fighting against de facto discrimination.

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ERRC submission to UN UPR on Denmark (November 2010)

19 November 2010

Written Comments of the European Roma Rights Centre (ERRC) concerning Denmark for consideration by the Human Rights Council (HRC) within its Universal Periodic Review at its 11th session in May 2010.

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ERRC submission to UN UPR on Greece (November 2010)

19 November 2010

Written Comments of the European Roma Rights Centre (ERRC) concerning Greece for consideration by the Human Rights Council (HRC) within its Universal Periodic Review at its 11th session in May 2010.

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ERRC submission to the Council of Europe on implementation of human rights judgments in Croatia, Czech Republic and Greece

08 November 2010

Joint communication by the ERRC, GHM and OSJI concerning implementation of Oršuš and Others v. Croatia, D.H. and Others v. the Czech Republic and Sampanis and Others v. Greece, for consideration by the Committee of Ministers during its November 2010 review. 

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ERRC submission to UN UPR on Hungary (November 2010)

08 November 2010

Written Comments of the European Roma Rights Centre (ERRC), Chance for Children Foundation (CFCF), Foundation for the Women of Hungary (MONA), Hungarian Association for Persons with Intellectual Disability (ÉFOÉSZ), Hungarian Civil Liberties Union (HCLU), Hungarian Helsinki Committee (HHC), Legal Defence Bureau for National and Ethnic Minorities (NEKI), Minority Rights Group International (MRG), People Opposing Patriarchy (PATENT) and The City is For All (AVM), concerning Hungary for consideration by the Human Rights Council (HRC) within its Universal Periodic Review at its 11th session, May 2010.

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