Podnesak Evropskog centra za prava Roma Komitetu ujedinjenih nacija za eliminaciju diskriminacije žena o stanju u Srbiji (Mart 2007)
10 March 2007
Pisani komentari Evropskog centra za prava Roma, Bibije, Eureke i Ženskog prostora u vezi Republike Srbije na razmatranje Komitetu ujedinjenih nacija za eliminaciju diskriminacije žena na njegovoj 38. sesiji.
Social Inclusion Through Social Services: The Case of Roma and Travellers
03 March 2007
This report contains the results of an impact assessment conducted by the European Roma Rights Centre (ERRC) and the Portuguese social research centre Númena Centro de Investigação em Ciências Sociais e Humanas in 2006 on government policy in the area of social services and the social inclusion of Romani and Traveller people in the Czech Republic, France, and Portugal.
Sociální začleňování prostřednictvím sociálních služeb: situace Romů a Travellerů
03 March 2007
Tato zpráva se zakládá na výzkumu provedeném organizacemi ERRC a Númena v průběhu roku 2006 a jimi vytvořené dokumentaci o dopadu opatření v oblasti sociálních služeb, která jsou obsažena v Národních akčních plánech sociálního začleňování v České republice, Francii a Portugalsku, na dostupnost účinných sociálních služeb pro Romy a Travellery a následně na sociální začleňování příslušníků těchto komunit.
L’Inclusion Sociale dans les Services Sociaux: le cas des Roms et des Gens du voyage
03 March 2007
Ce rapport est élaboré à partir de la documentation et des recherches menées en 2006 sous l’égide l’ERRC et Númena sur l’impact des mesures dans le domaine des services sociaux inclues dans le Plan National d’Action pour l’Inclusion Sociale en République Tchèque, en France et au Portugal quant à la possibilité des Roms et des Gens du voyage d’accéder à des services sociaux efficaces, et par conséquent quant à l’inclusion sociale des membres de ces groupes.
Os Serviço Sociais ao Serviço da Inclusão Sócial: O caso dos Ciganos
03 March 2007
Este relatório baseia-se em pesquisa e documentação conduzida e recolhida pelo ERRC e pela Númena durante o ano de 2006, como objectivo de determinar o impacto das medidas na área dos serviços sociais incluídas no Plano Nacional de Acção para a Inclusão Social na República Checa, França e Portugal, sobre a capacidade dos ciganos para acederem efectivamente aos serviços sociais e, consequentemente, sobre a inclusão social destes grupos.
The Glass Box: Exclusion of Roma From Employment
21 February 2007
This report presents the results of groundbreaking factual research in five countries, as well as legal and policy research from various contexts. The central finding of the research is that explicit, open and unconcealed racial discrimination against Roma is a fact in hiring procedures in all five of the countries at issue.
The Impact of Legislation and Policies on School Segregation of Romani Children
16 February 2007
The ERRC wishes to announce the publication of "The Impact of Legislation and Policies on School Segregation of Romani Children". Segregated education of Roma remains a prevalent feature of the educational systems in Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania and Slovakia. This situation has been repeatedly condemned by human rights bodies supervising state's compliance with international human rights law as well as by public institutions at national level which monitor human and minority rights.