The Glass Box: Exclusion of Roma From Employment

21 February 2007

This report presents the results of groundbreaking factual research in five countries, as well as legal and policy research from various contexts. The central finding of the research is that explicit, open and unconcealed racial discrimination against Roma is a fact in hiring procedures in all five of the countries at issue.

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The Impact of Legislation and Policies on School Segregation of Romani Children

16 February 2007

The ERRC wishes to announce the publication of "The Impact of Legislation and Policies on School Segregation of Romani Children". Segregated education of Roma remains a prevalent feature of the educational systems in Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania and Slovakia. This situation has been repeatedly condemned by human rights bodies supervising state's compliance with international human rights law as well as by public institutions at national level which monitor human and minority rights.

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ERRC submission to UN CERD on the Czech Republic (December 2006)

12 December 2006

Written Comments of the ERRC and Vzajemne Souziti Concerning the Czech Republic to the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, at its 70th session.

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Proceedings Discontinued: The Inertia of Roma Rights Change in Ukraine

05 December 2006

Roma in Ukraine are extremely vulnerable to infringements of fundamental human rights. A number of very serious instances of violent human rights abuse have taken place in Ukraine in recent years. In addition, systematic issues, such as widespread racial discrimination in a number of sectoral fields and the exclusion of Roma from personal and other documents, remain entirely unaddressed by government action to date.

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Рух Зупинено: Інертний Стан Дотримання Прав Ромів в Україні

05 December 2006

Роми в Україні є надзвичайно вразливою групою населення, через порушення їхніх фундаментальних прав. Останніми роками в Україні зафіксовано низку серйозних порушень прав людини.

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ERRC submission to the UN Special Rapporteur on Trafficking in persons, Especially Women and Children (November 2006)

11 November 2006

Submission by the European Roma Rights Centre (ERRC) to the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Trafficking in persons, Especially Women and Children, as part of deliberations toward the next annual report of the Special Rapporteur to the UN Human Rights Council, according to Commission on Human Rights Decision 2004/110 and Human Rights Council’s decision 2006/102.

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ERRC submission to UN HRC on Ukraine (September 2006)

25 September 2006

Written Comments of the European Roma Rights Centre Concerning Ukraine.

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