ERRC submission to UN CESCR on Macedonia (September 2006)

19 September 2006

Written Comments of the European Roma Rights Center and the National Roma Centrum Concerning Macedonia.

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Поднесок на ЕЦПР до Комитетот за економски, социјални и културни права при Обединетите Нации за Македонија (Септември 2006)

19 September 2006

Запишани коментари од Европски центар за правата на Ромите и Национален Ромски Центар за поранешна југословенска република Македонија за разгледување од страна на Комитетот за економски,...

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Ambulance Not on the Way: The Disgrace of Health Care for Roma in Europe

04 September 2006

Racial discrimination against Roma in health care is manifested in exclusion from health services and/or in the provision of health services of inferior quality. Racial discrimination against Roma magnifies existing inequities establishing separate and independent barriers for Roma to enjoy the right to the highest attainable standard of health. Roma are often not covered by health insurance.

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ERRC submission to UN CEDAW on the Czech Republic (August 2006)

07 August 2006

European Roma Rights Center, Gender Studies, o.p.s. and League of Human Rights Joint Shadow report submitted to the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women concerning the situation of Romani women and girls in the Czech Republic for it consideration at the 36th CEDAW session.

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Podání ERRC na OSN CEDAW ve vztahu k České republice (srpen 2006)

07 August 2006

Společná stínová zpráva Evropského centra pro práva Romů, Gender Studies, o.p.s. a Ligy lidských práv podána na Výbor Organizace spojených národů pro odstranění diskriminace žen (CEDAW) ve vztahu k postavení romských žen a dívek v České republice pro 36. zasedání výboru.

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ERRC submission to UN CERD on Ukraine (June 2006)

19 June 2006

ERRC Written Comments Concerning Ukraine to the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, at its 69th session, July 31 - August 18, 2006.

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ERRC submission to UN CEDAW on Romania (May 2006)

15 May 2006

European Roma Rights Center and Romani CRISS Joint Shadow report submitted to the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women concerning the situation of Romani women and girls in Romania for its consideration at the 35th CEDAW session.

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