ERRC submission to UN HRC on Kosovo (February 2006)

20 February 2006

Written Comments of the European Roma Rights Center Concerning Kosovo.

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ERRC submission to UN CEDAW on Macedonia (January 2006)

16 January 2006

Roma Centre of Skopje, Network Women's Program and European Roma Rights Centre shadow report submitted to the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women concerning the situation of Romani women and girls in Macedonia for its consideration at the 34th CEDAW Session.

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Заеднички извештај во Сенка поднесен до Комитетот на Обединетите Нации за Елиминација на Дискриминацијата над жените (Јануари 2006)

16 January 2006

Центарот на Ромите на град Скопје, Женската Мрежна Програма и Европскиот Центар за правата на Ромите поднесоа заеднички извештај во Сенка до Комитетот на Обединетите Нации за Елиминација на Дискри...  

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Always Somewhere Else: Anti-Gypsyism in France

28 November 2005

France is known as a country of human rights. "Freedom, Equality and Brotherhood" – these declarations remain at the heart of the French Republic. Despite these commitments, hundreds of thousands of Gypsies and Travellers in France are denied the very basic right of equal treatment and experience regular denial and interference with almost all fundamental civil, political, social, economic and cultural rights.

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Hors d’ici! Anti-tsiganisme en France

28 November 2005

Des centaines de milliers de tsiganes et voyageurs, citoyens français depuis des générations, sont privés du droit le plus élémentaire à l’égalité de traitement. Ils se voient régulièrement refuser les droits civils, politiques, sociaux, économiques et culturels fondamentaux ou sont confrontés à des problèmes d’ingérence dans l’exercice de ceux-ci. Ils ont longtemps été soumis à des lois, politiques et pratiques visant à les contrôler, les réprimer, les exclure ou les assimiler.

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ERRC submission to UN CRC on Hungary (September 2005)

13 September 2005

Written Comments of the European Roma Rights Center Concerning Hungary.

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ERRC submission to the European Commission Concerning Implementation of the Race Equality Directive in the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, and Slovakia (July 2005)

19 July 2005

On the occasion of the fifth anniversary of the official publication of the EU Race Directive, the European Roma Rights Centre (ERRC) submitted detailed comments on measures in five European countries to date to implement the principle of equal treatment, irrespective of racial or ethnic origin. The comments are timed to coincide with deadlines for EU Member States to provide the European Union with comprehensive information on efforts undertaken to date to secure equal treatment for persons facing the very serious harm of racial discrimination. The ERRC submission to the Union institutions focuses in particular on the ability of individuals to realize the promise of equality embodied in the Directive. The document discusses in detail a ...

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