ERRC submission to UN HRC on Slovenia (July 2005)

08 July 2005

Sloven Government Fails to Fulfil Obligations Under International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.

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In Search of Happy Gypsies: Persecution of Pariah Minorities in Russia

09 May 2005

ERRC monitoring of Roma rights in Russia has revealed an alarming pattern of human rights abuse of Roma and other people perceived as "Gypsies". The magnitude of the abuse is only comparable to that of the perpetrators' impunity. Anti-Romani racism is widespread in Russia today.

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В поисках счастливых цыган: Преследование отверженных меньшинств в России

09 May 2005

Европейский центр по правам цыган (ЕЦПЦ), следящий за соблюдением прав цыган в России, выявил тревожащий образец нарушений прав человека в отношении цыган и других лиц, которых воспринимают как цыган.

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ERRC submission to UN CERD on France (February 2005)

08 February 2005

ERRC Written Comments on Roma Rights Issues in France, for Consideration by the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination at its 66th session, February 21-March 11, 2005.

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ERRC submission to UN CEDAW on Croatia (January 2005)

10 January 2005

European Roma Rights Center shadow report submitted to the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women concerning the situation of Romani women in Croatia at the 32nd CEDAW Session. 

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ERRC submission to the European Commission on the Establishment of a Fundamental Rights Agency (December 2004)

17 December 2004

ERRC statement to the European Commission on Commission document "Com(2004) 693 final of 25 October 2005, "Communication from the Commission, The Fundamental Rights Agency, Public Consultation Document".

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ERRC submission to the European Commission on Commission document "Green Paper: Equality and Non-Discrimination in an Enlarged European Union" (December 2004)

17 December 2004

ERRC written comments on Commission document "Com(2004) 693 final of 25 October 2005, "Communication from the Commission, The Fundamental Rights Agency, Public Consultation Document".

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