ERRC submission to the European Commission on the Joint Inclusion Memorandum of Bulgaria (July 2004)

16 July 2004

The European Roma Rights Center (ERRC) welcomes the opportunity to review and comment on the draft Joint Inclusion Memorandum (JIM) prepared by the Bulgarian Ministry of Labour and Social Policy with the Commission. As part of the public consultation process toward the adoption of the Bulgarian JIM, we have been provided with a copy of the draft Bulgarian JIM, on June 28, 2004.

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ERRC submission to UN CEDAW on Spain (June 2004)

21 June 2004

European Roma Rights Center shadow report submitted to the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women concerning the situation of Romani women and in the Kingdom of Spain at the 31st CEDAW Session.

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Informe del ERRC a CEDAW sobre España (junio de 2004)

21 June 2004

Informe alternativo presentado por el Centro Europeo para los Derechos de los Roma/Gitanos a la Comisión de las Naciones Unidas sobre la Eliminación de la Discriminación contra la Mujer en relación a la situación de las mujeres romaníes en el Reino de España presentado durante la Sesión 31 de CEDAW.

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The Non-Constituents: Rights Deprivation of Roma in Post-Genocide Bosnia and Herzegovina

04 June 2004

Bosnia and Herzegovina is the only country in Europe in which Roma are barred by law from holding high political offices, including the Presidency. As members of a second class "non-constituent" people, Romani children in Bosnia and Herzegovina today can only aspire in vain to one day becoming president of their country.

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ERRC submission to UN CAT on the Czech Republic (May 2004)

03 May 2004

Written Comments of the European Roma Rights Center to the United Nations Committee Against Torture on the Occasion of its Review of the Czech Republic’s compliance with the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment at its 32nd Session, 3-21 May 2004, pertaining to the matter of Coercive Sterilisations of Romani Women in the Czech Republic.

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Stigmata: Segregated Schooling of Roma in Central and Eastern Europe

02 May 2004

Racial segregation of Roma in education in Central and Eastern Europe has persisted if not worsened, causing irreparable harms to generations of Roma. Roma have been raised with the stigma of inferiority. Numerous Roma have been denied equal education and life opportunities.

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Stigma: Szegregált Roma Oktatás Közép- és Keleteurópában

02 May 2004

A jelentés bemutatja, hogy az oktatásban érvényesülő faji megkülönböztetés miatt a roma gyerekek nem élvezhetik az egyenlő méltósághoz való jogot Bulgáriában, a Cseh Köztársaságban, Magyarországon, Romániában és Szlovákiában.

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