Stigmata: Segregovaná výuka Romů ve školách střední a východní Evropy

02 May 2004

Tato zpráva zkoumá způsoby, kterými jsou romským dětem prostřednictvím systému rasově podmíněné segregace upírána rovná práva a důstojnost v Bulharsku, České republice, Maďarsku, Rumunsku a Slovensku.

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Stigmy: Segregovaná výučba Rómov v školách strednej a východnej Európy

02 May 2004

Táto správa skúma spôsoby, ktorými sú rómskym deťom prostredníctvom systému rasovo podmienenej segregácie upierané rovnaké práva a dôstojnosť v Bulharsku, Českej republike, Maďarsku, Rumunsku a na Slovensku.

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ERRC submission to the European Commission on the Joint Inclusion Memorandum of Hungary (April 2004)

05 April 2004

The European Roma Rights Center (ERRC) welcomes the publication of Hungary's Joint Inclusion Memorandum ("JIM") on matters relating to social inclusion. The ERRC believes that in a number of respects, the Hungarian JIM represents a valuable step forward in terms of government recognition of issues related to Roma in Hungary. It therefore is, we believe, an important basis for future policy, as Hungary moves in the coming months to prepare its first National Action Plan ("NAP") on social inclusion. The ERRC offers the following comments on Hungary's JIM, which we believe will be of use in preparing the first Hungarian NAP.

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ERRC submission to UN HRC on Germany (March 2004)

08 March 2004

Written Comments of the European Roma Rights Center Concerning Germany.

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ERRC submission to UN CERD on "Non-Citizens and Racial Discrimination" (March 2004)

01 March 2004

Statement by the European Roma Rights Center to the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD) on the Occasion of its Thematic Discussion on "Non-Citizens and Racial Discrimination" at its 64th Session.

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ERRC submission to the European Commission on the Joint Inclusion Memorandum of Lithuania (February 2004)

17 February 2004

The European Roma Rights Center ("ERRC") welcomes the publication of Lithuania's Joint Inclusion Memorandum (hereinafter "JIM") on issues related to social inclusion. In a number of respects, the ERRC believes, the Lithuanian JIM represents a valuable step forward in terms of government recognition of issues related to Roma in Lithuania. Therefore, it may be an important basis for future policy, as Lithuania moves in the coming months to prepare its first National Action Plan (hereinafter "NAP") on social inclusion. The ERRC herewith offers the following comments on Lithuania's JIM, which we believe will be of use in the preparation of the first Lithuanian NAP.

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ERRC submission to the European Commission on the Joint Inclusion Memorandum of the Czech Republic (February 2004)

16 February 2004

The European Roma Rights Center (ERRC) welcomes the publication of Czech Republic’s Joint Inclusion Memorandum ("JIM") on matters relating to social inclusion. In a number of respects, the ERRC believes, the Czech JIM represents a valuable step forward in terms of government recognition of issues related to Roma in the Czech Republic. It therefore provides an important basis for future policy, as the Czech Republic moves in the coming months to prepare its first National Action Plan ("NAP") on social inclusion. The ERRC offers the following comments on Czech Republic’s JIM, which we believe will be of use in the preparation of the first Czech NAP.

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