Campland: Racial Segregation of Roma in Italy

05 October 2000

Anti-Romani stereotypes are also widespread in Italy today. Underpinning the Italian government’s approach to Roma is the conviction that Roma are “nomads”. In the late 1980s and early 1990s, ten out of the twenty regions in Italy adopted laws aimed at the “protection of nomadic cultures” through the construction of segregated camps.

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Il paese dei Campi

05 October 2000

In Italia sono largamente diffusi gli stereotipi ostili ai Rom. Alla base dell’azione del governo italiano nei confronti dei Rom, c’è la convinzione che questi siano “nomadi”.

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ERRC submission to UN CERD on racial discrimination and violence against Roma (August 2000)

15 August 2000

Racial Discrimination and Violence against Roma in Europe.

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ERRC submission to UN CERD on Romania (August 1999)

02 August 1999

Cases of Relevance to the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination in Romania.

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ERRC submission to UN HRC on Romania (July 1999)

02 July 1999

Cases of Relevance to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights in Romania.

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A Special Remedy: Roma and Schools for the Mentally Handicapped in the Czech Republic

15 June 1999

Roma in the Czech Republic live in general exclusion from the opportunities enjoyed by the majority community. Isolated from the institutions of mainstream society, Czech Roma face discrimination in access to employment, benefits and housing, and experience day-to-day segregation as they are excluded from restaurants, swimming pools, discotheques and other public places.

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Zvláštní opatření: Romové v České republice a školy pro mentálně postižené děti

15 June 1999

Romové v České republice jsou všeobecně vylučováni ze všeho, co je poskytováno většinové populaci. Izolováni od institucí většinové společnosti musí čeští Romové čelit diskriminaci při získávání zaměstnání, bydlení a různých výhod, rovněž den co den zažívají segregaci, neboť je jim znemožňován vstup do restaurací, bazénů, diskoték a jiných veřejných míst.

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