ERRC submission to UN CAT on Italy and Macedonia (April 1999)

28 April 1999

Cases of Relevance to the United Nations Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment in Italy and Macedonia.

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ERRC submission to UN CERD on Italy (March 1999)

05 March 1999

Written Comments of the European Roma Rights Center on Italy.

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ERRC submission to UN CAT on Hungary and Yugoslavia (November 1998)

11 November 1998

Cases of Relevance to the United Nations Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment in Hungary and Yugoslavia.

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A Pleasant Fiction: The Human Rights Situation of Roma in Macedonia

03 July 1998

This report is structured as follows: following discussion of large-scale deportations of Roma from western Europe, specifically Germany, which have taken place throughout the 1990s, the report discusses the effects on Roma of the 1992 Act on Citizenship, and the existence of high numbers of stateless persons among Roma in Macedonia.

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Пријатна фикција: Состојбата со човековите права на Ромите во Македонија

03 July 1998

Овој извештај е направен по следниов редослед: следејќи ја дискусијата за високиот степен на депортирање на Ромите од Западна Европа, особено од Германија, што се случи за време на деведесетите.

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ERRC submission to CE ECRI on Macedonia (June 1998)

04 June 1998

Written Comments of the European Roma Rights Center Concerning the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. For Consideration by the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance in Strasbourg in June 1998.

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ERRC submission to UN CERD on the Czech Republic (March 1998)

06 March 1998

Written Comments of the European Roma Rights Center Concerning the Czech Republic.

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