Profession Prisoner: Roma in Detention in Bulgaria

02 December 1997

Three categories of people are housed in Bulgaria’s prisons: inmates convicted of crimes who are serving their sentences, persons detained on remand who are awaiting trial, and persons who are on trial or at various stages of the appeal procedure.

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No Record of the Case: Roma in Albania

15 June 1997

Albania has emerged from a repressive communism and has not yet established democratic institutions and practices, rule of law or respect for human rights. There was a considerable worsening of the human rights situation since Sali Berisha took power in 1992. All Albanian citizens, regardless of ethnicity, have been subject to human rights violations of the kind described in this report with regard to Roma. Extortion, expulsions, police abuse, and illegitimate political manipulation are a common problem. It is important to bear in mind when reading this report that in an undemocratic society such as in Albania, all citizens suffer human rights violations. However, minorities are especially susceptible to abuse.

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Një Rast i Panjohur: Romët në Shqipëri

15 June 1997

Shqipëria ka dalë nga një sistem represiv dhe akoma nuk ka instaluar institucionët dhe praktikat demokratike, sundimin e ligjit ose respektin për të drejtat e njeriut. Në fakt situata e të drejtave të njeriut është keqësuar ndjeshëm qëkur Sali Berisha erdhi në pushtet më 1992.

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The Misery of Law: The Rights of Roma in the Transcarpathian Region of Ukraine

18 April 1997

A comprehensive report on the human rights situation of Roma in Transcarpathia is a long-term research project of the ERRC. The present report is limited to focusing primarily on police abuses and the failure of the judicial system, in cases involving Roma, to censure and remedy such abuses.

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Time of the Skinheads: Denial and Exclusion of Roma in Slovakia

02 January 1997

This report provides an overview of human rights violations against Roma in Slovakia during the years 1993-1996, a period in which the state itself came into existence and began to act as sole competent authority on the territory of the former Czechoslovak Federal Republic. Although several reports on Roma in Slovakia have been published domestically during this period, the primary focus of these reports has been cultural issues, while human rights concerns remained secondary or were left unaddressed. The intention of this report is to bring the picture of the human rights situation of Roma in Slovakia up-to-date. The ERRC noted three trends dominating the problematic relations between the Slovak state and Roma. In the first place, ...

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Čas skinheadov: Popieranie práv a vyčleňovanie Rómov na Slovensku

02 January 1997

Táto správa je prehľadom prípadov porušovania ľudských práv Rómov na Slovensku v rokoch 1993-1996, teda v čase, kedy vznikol samostatný štát a začal fungovať ako samostatný kompetentný orgán na území bývalej Československej Federatívnej Republiky.

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Sudden Rage at Dawn: Violence Against Roma in Romania

08 September 1996

The spread of community violence against Roma is the main issue focused on by the reports on the human rights situation of the Roma in Romania since the fall of the Ceausescu regime in 1989.

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