Furie în zori: Violenţa împotriva rromilor în România

08 September 1996

Răspândirea violenţei comunitare împotriva rromilor este principala problemă pe care se axează  rapoartele   privind situaţia drepturilor omului in România de la căderea regimului Ceauşescu, in 1989.

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Divide and Deport. Roma and Sinti in Austria

01 September 1996

The purpose of the report is to show the consequences on Roma of a series of new laws on legal residence and asylum, ratified between 1991 and 1993. The report also investigates how the ground was prepared for the systematic exclusion of Roma in Austria through the recognition of a narrow and unrepresentative group of Roma as an Austrian "ethnic group" (Volksgruppe). A connection is made between this systematic exclusion and the appearance in Austria of episodes of public violence specifically targeting Roma. Finally, the report makes a series of concrete recommendations to the Austrian government for improving the legal situation of Roma in Austria.

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