Law and policy: Actions to achieve full respect of children's rights in the Hungarian child protection system

24 July 2007

From the end of December 2006, the ERRC is implementing a 1-year project aimed at addressing deficiencies in the Hungarian child protection system which may enable children's rights workers and officials to work in a manner not fully respectful of fundamental rights of Romani children. Within this project, the ERRC aims to foster the effective participation of affected groups in the process of creating new legislative, policy and strategic measures through the creation of action plan which will be advocated to the relevant decision makers, as well as the eventual reform of the Hungarian child protection system, to ensure full respect of national and international children's rights provisions. This project focuses on 3 thematic areas, ...

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Minority Rights Anti-Discrimination Capacitation in Kosovo

26 June 2007

From the beginning of May 2007, the ERRC will implement a 1-year project in Kosovo with its partner, Roma and Ashkaeli Documentation Centre (RADC), to further the implementation of Kosovo's anti-discrimination law. The ERRC and RADC are grateful to the British government's Foreign and Commonwealth Office for supporting this project.

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Educational Integration of Roma: Political and Legal Preparation

22 November 2006

Beginning in November 2006, the ERRC is implementing a one-year project to address the problem of systemic disadvantage including the evil of racial segregation in education of Romani children in Bulgaria and the absence of action at central and local level of government to implement a comprehensive educational integration policy.

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20 February 2006

Since January 2005, the Irish Traveller Movement, in partnership with the ERRC and the Milan Simecka Foundation, has been implementing a 2-year project to develop a network of experienced and competent Traveller, Roma and Sinti advocates to improve the ability of locally-based Traveller, Romani and Sinti organisations to ensure the benefits of the provisions of the EU Directives are applied to Traveller, Romani and Sinti communities who experience severe levels of racism and discrimination.

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Social Inclusion Impact Assessment

16 February 2006

Beginning in December 2005, the ERRC is implementing a 12 month project to assess the impact of measures intened to improve access to social services for Roma in the National Action Plans of Czech Republic, France and Portugal. The project is funded by the European Community under the European Comnunity Action Programme to Combat Social Exclusion 2002 - 2006 and is implemented in partnership with the independent Portuguese research institute Numena.

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Law in Action - Developing Civil Society

16 February 2006

Beginning in March 2005, the ERRC is implementing an 18 month project to develop the capacities of civil society organisations in Croatia and Macedonia to undertake effective public interest law initiatives, in particular to ensure access to services delivered by local authorities and to encourage equal participation in the democratic process. The project is funded by the CARDS regional programme 2003 of the European Commission and is implemented in partnership with the Zagreb-based Croatian Law Center (CLC) and the Kumanov-based Roma Community Center DROM.

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Roma Rights in Turkey

06 February 2006

Starting from January 2006, the ERRC will implement a two-year project aimed at promoting Roma rights in Turkey. The project is funded by the European Initiative for Democracy and Human Rights of the European Commission and is implemented in partnership with the Istanbul-based Helsinki Citizens’ Assembly (hCA), Bilgi University’s Human Rights Law Research Centre (HRLRC) and Centre for Migration Research (CMR), and the Edirne-based Romani Cultural Research, Solidarity and Development Association (EDÇİNKAY). The action proposed by the ERRC seeks to build capacity of Roma and other civil society actors to engage in effective advocacy for the rights of Roma and to raise awareness in Turkish society about the human rights problems facing the ...

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