ERRC submission to UN HRC on Hungary (February 2010)

01 February 2010

Written Comments of the European Roma Rights Centre, Chance for Children Foundation and the Hungarian Helsinki Committee Concerning Hungary.

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ERRC submission to UN CEDAW on Ukraine (January 2010)

21 January 2010

Written Comments by the European Roma Rights Centre and the International Charitable Organization Roma Women Fund “Chiricli” Concerning Ukraine for Consideration by the Committee on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women at its 45th Session.

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ERRC submission to the Council of Europe on implementation of human rights judgments in the Czech Republic

13 November 2009

Joint communication by the ERRC and OSJI concerning Czech Republic's implementation of D.H. and Others v the Czech Republic for consideration by the Committee of Ministers during its March 2010 review.

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Persistent Segregation of Roma in the Czech Education System

10 September 2009

Three years after the Czech education law amendments and one year after the D.H. decision, Romani children continue to be dramatically over-represented in practical primary schools that follow a special curriculum for mentally disabled pupils. Education law and policy at the central and local levels are not contributing to the desegregation of schools for the vast majority of Romani children in the Czech Republic. This report highlights the findings of a study implemented by the ERRC, in partnership with the Roma Education Fund and local organisations Life Together and Zvule Prava, in practical schools in the Czech regions. Persistent Segregation of Roma in the Czech Education System – Report in English and Executive Summary in ...

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Přetrvávající segregace romských dětí v českém vzdělávacím systému

10 September 2009

Že tři roky po novelizaci českého školského zákona a rok po vynesení rozsudku ve sporu D. H. a další versus Česká republika zůstává zcela neúměrná část romských dětí v praktických základních školách, které učí podle zvláštních osnov pro mentálně postižené žáky. Školský zákon a vzdělávací praxe na celostátní a místní úrovni tak z pohledu většiny romských dětí v České republice nepřispívají k odstranění školní segregace.

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ERRC submission to the Council of Europe on implementation of human rights judgments in the Czech Republic

20 May 2009

Joint communication by the ERRC and OSJI concerning Czech Republic's implementation of D.H. and Others v the Czech Republic for consideration by the Committee of Ministers during its May 2009 review.

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ERRC submission to the European Commission on Violations of EC Law by Italy (May 2009)

04 May 2009

The European Roma Rights Centre respectfully submits to the European Commission observations concerning violations of EC law and the fundamental rights of Roma and Sinti by the Italian government.

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