Istanza presentata dal Centro Europeo per i diritti dei Rom alla Commissione Europea in merito alle violazioni della legge comunitaria da parte dell’Italia (Maggio 2009)

04 May 2009

Il Centro Europeo per i Diritti dei Rom sottopone all’ attenzione della Commissione Europea le osservazioni relative alle violazioni della legge comunitaria e dei diritti fondamentali dei Rom e Sinti  da parte del governo italiano.

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ERRC submission to UN CERD on Bulgaria (March 2009)

09 March 2009

Written Comments of the European Roma Rights Centre (ERRC) and the Bulgarian Helsinki Committee Concerning Bulgaria to the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination at its 74th session, from 16 February to 9 March 2009.

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ERRC submission to UN CERD on Turkey (March 2009)

09 March 2009

Written Comments of the European Roma Rights Centre (ERRC) and the Edirne Roma Association Concerning Turkey to the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination at its 74th session, from 16 February to 9 March 2009.

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ERRC submission to UN CERD on Montenegro (March 2009)

09 March 2009

Written Comments of the European Roma Rights Centre (ERRC) and the Centre for Roma Initiatives Concerning Montenegro to the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination at its 74th session, from 16 February to 9 March 2009.

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Podnesak Evropskog centra za prava Roma Komitetu za eliminaciju rasne diskriminacije o stanju u Crnoj Gori (Mart 2009)

09 March 2009

Pisani komentari Evropskog centra za prava Roma (ERRC) i Centra za romske inicijative za stanje u Crnoj Gori za 74 sednicu Komitetu za eliminaciju rasne diskriminacije.

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Security a la Italiana: Fingerprinting, Extreme Violence and Harassment of Roma in Italy

11 September 2008

In Italy, expressions of racism and xenophobia against Roma reached new and astounding proportions in 2008. This report includes information and analysis about the implications of Romani migration within the EU, changes in Italy's political climate since the April 2008 elections, legal and policy developments targeting Roma under the new government, increased levels of police abuse and ill-treatment of Roma and the failure of the Italian government to condemn and prosecute extreme acts of violence and discrimination against Roma by non-state actors.

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Sicurezza All’italiana: Impronte Digitali, Violenza Estrema e Vessazioni contro Rom e Sinti in Italia

11 September 2008

In Italia le manifestazioni di razzismo e di xenofobia contro Rom e Sinti hanno raggiunto negli ultimi mesi nuove e stupefacenti proporzioni, e potrebbero estendersi anche ad altri gruppi vulnerabili, in particolare agli immigranti stranieri.

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