Securitate A La Italiana: Amprentare, violenţă extremă şi hărţuire ale romilor din Italia

11 September 2008

In Italia, manifestările de rasism şi xenofobie faţă de romi au atins, in ultimele luni, proporţii mari şi şocante şi s-ar putea extinde asupra altor grupuri vulnerabile, in special imigranţii străini.

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ERRC submission to UN CERD on the Russian Federation (August 2008)

15 August 2008

Written Comments of the European Roma Rights Centre (ERRC) Concerning the Russian Federation to the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination at its 73rd session, Session, 28 July -15 August 2008.

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ERRC submission to the Council of Europe on implementation of human rights judgments in the Czech Republic

20 May 2008

Joint communication by the ERRC, OSJI, ESP, ECP and REF concerning Czech Republic's implementation of D.H. and Others v the Czech Republic for consideration by the Committee of Ministers during its June 2008 review.

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ERRC submission to UN CAT on Macedonia (May 2008)

13 May 2008

Written Comments of the European Roma Rights Centre Concerning Macedonia For Consideration by the United Nations Committee against Torture on the Occasion of its Review of Macedonia’s at its 40th Session 13 May 2008.

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We are Here!: Discriminatory Exclusion and Struggle for Rights of Roma in Turkey

15 April 2008

The book titled "We Are Here" was compiled as an outcome of the project "Roma Rights in Turkey" by the ERRC, the Helsinki Citizen's Assembly and EDROM. It draws on field research undertaken by the project partners and reflects upon the experiences gained during the project, the partners' expertise in Roma rights advocacy, the promotion of civil society values and the grassroots mobilisation of Romani communities.

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Biz Buradayız!: Türkiye’de Romanlar, Ayrımcı Uygulamalar ve Hak Mücadelesi

15 April 2008

Projenin ürünlerinden biri olan Biz Buradayız! isimli bu kitap, proje sürecinde gerçekleştirilen saha araştırmasının verileri ve bu süreçte kazanılan deneyimlerin yanı sıra, Türkiye'de yaşayan Roman topluluklarının durumlarını sergilemeyi, karşılaştıkları hak ihlallerini dile getirmeyi amaçlıyor ve Romanların haklara eşit olarak erişebilmesini engelleyen hukukli çerçeveyi özetliyor. Türkiye'de Roman haklarıyla ilgili sorunlara ışık tutmayı hedefleyen ilk yayınlardan biri olan Biz Buradayız!, her şeyden önceTürkiye'nin Romanlarını, tarihleri, toplumsal özellikleri ve kendilerine özgü sorunlanyla, eşit vatandaşlar olarak tasvir etmeyi arzuluyor.

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ERRC submission to UN HRC on the Republic of Macedonia (March 2008)

15 March 2008

Written Comments of the European Roma Rights Centre Concerning the Republic of Macedonia.

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