ERRC submission to the European Commission on the Joint Inclusion Memorandum of Slovenia (January 2004)

28 January 2004

The European Roma Rights Center (ERRC) welcomes the publication of Slovenia's Joint Inclusion Memorandum ("JIM") on matters relating to social inclusion. The ERRC further welcomes the Government’s acknowledgement that Roma constitute a vulnerable group in Slovenia for the purposes of Slovene social inclusion policy, as well as the focus on Roma provided in Slovenia's JIM. The ERRC notes that the Slovene JIM is in many ways a very nuanced and detailed policy document. Since the priorities and measures outlined in the JIM will provide the basis for the preparation of the Slovene National Action Plan to combat social exclusion ("NAP"), the ERRC takes the occasion to note several outstanding concerns related to areas of relevance to Slovenia's ...

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ERRC submission to the European Commission on the Joint Inclusion Memorandum of Latvia (January 2004)

26 January 2004

The European Roma Rights Center (ERRC) welcomes Latvia's Joint Inclusion Memorandum ("JIM") on matters relating to social inclusion. In a number of respects, the ERRC believes, the Latvian JIM represents a step forward in terms of government recognition of issues related to Roma in Latvia. It therefore can provide an important basis for future policy, as Latvia moves in the coming months to prepare its first National Action Plan ("NAP") on social inclusion. The ERRC offers the following comments on Latvia's JIM, which we believe will be of use in preparing the first Latvian NAP.

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ERRC submission to the European Commission on the Joint Inclusion Memorandum of Slovakia (January 2004)

26 January 2004

The European Roma Rights Center (ERRC) welcomes the publication of Slovakia's Joint Inclusion Memorandum ("JIM") on matters relating to social inclusion. In a number of respects, the ERRC believes the Slovak JIM represents a valuable step forward in terms of government recognition of issues related to Roma in Slovakia. It therefore is, we believe, an important basis for future policy, as Slovakia moves in the coming months to prepare its first National Action Plan ("NAP") on social inclusion. The ERRC offers the following comments on Slovakia's JIM, which we believe will be of use in the preparation of the first Slovak NAP.

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ERRC submission to the European Commission on the Joint Inclusion Memorandum of Poland (January 2004)

19 January 2004

The European Roma Rights Center (ERRC) welcomes the publication of Poland’s Joint Inclusion Memorandum ("JIM") on matters relating to social inclusion. In a number of respects, the ERRC believes, the Polish JIM represents a valuable step forward in terms of government recognition of issues concerning Roma in Poland. It is therefore an important basis for future policy, as Poland moves in the coming months to prepare its first National Action Plan ("NAP") on social inclusion. The ERRC offers the comments below on Poland’s JIM, which we hope will be of use in the preparation of the first Polish NAP.

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ERRC submission to UN CRC on Germany (January 2004)

15 January 2004

Written comments concerning the Federal Republic of Germany for consideration by the Committee on the Rights of the Child (the Committee) at its thirty-fifth session, in January 2004.

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ERRC submission to UN CEDAW on Germany (January 2004)

09 January 2004

European Roma Rights Center AND Open Society Institute, EU Monitoring and Advocacy Program joint shadow report submitted to the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women concerning the situation of Romani women in Germany at the 30th CEDAW Session.

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ERRC submission to the European Committee of Social Rights on Bulgaria, Italy and Romania (December 2003)

02 December 2003

Comments of the European Roma Rights Centre (ERRC) and Centre on Housing Rights and Evictions (COHRE) on the occasion of the Article 16 Review of Bulgaria, Italy and Romania under the Revised European Social Charter supervision cycle 2004.

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